Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Pal 4 birthdays

It has amazed me over the years, the lengths that parents will go to in planning parties for their children. From the flamboyant first year extravaganza to the sweet 16 social sensation it's truly mind boggling. What makes the whole thing a huge anxiety machine for everyone involved is the societal expectations. A party in the back yard for a 13 year old? Are you kidding? It has to cost at least $500 and be in a nerve wracking, earsplitting location, with all the ammenities that would create the need to sleep for three days when it's all over. The choices, we think, are few, because the society around us is dictating what is acceptable. Anything less will embarrass and/or disappoint your child.

But it doesn't have to be that way. We must take a giant step back and think about what we are doing. If we give them the moon on their 5th birthday, how can we top that on their 6th?

Doesn't anybody want to have a nice party at home which would give the children a chance to actually interact with one another? Those big places don't do anything for you, your child, the invited children, or the parents of those children accept provide an hour and a half to two hours of sensory overload.

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